Juglans microcarpa Berl. var. microcarpa

  • Family: Juglandaceae
  • Common names: little walnut, Texas walnut
  • Synonym: Juglans rupestris

    Small tree to 5 m (15 ft) or more tall, often branching near the ground with a widespread open crown, or sometimes a shrub. Leaves pinnately compound, 20-30 cm (8-12 in) long, usually with 17-23 narrowly lanceolate curved leaflets 5-7 cm (2-3 in) long. Staminate catkins appear in early spring. Pistillate flowers (appearing at the same time) small and often in pairs. Fruits often in pairs, 13-20 mm (0.5-0.8 in) diameter, with a thin brown hairy husk. Bark gray and usually deeply furrowed.

    Distribution: The species is native to eastern New Mexico and the western parts of Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas. In Oklahoma it is most abundant in and around the Wichita Mountains, but is scattered throughout the western part of the state.
    NWI status: none
    Comment: The walnuts are much smaller than those of the black walnut and are mostly eaten by wildlife. Juglans is derived from a Latin phrase meaning "acorn (or nut) of Jove"; microcarpa refers to the small fruit.

    Distribution in Oklahoma:

    Last update: 9/10/99
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