Glossopetalon planitierum (Ensign) St. John

  • Family: Crossosomataceae
  • Common name: grease bush
  • Synonym: Forsellesia planitierum

    Small much-branched shrub to 120 cm (45 in) tall. Twigs greenish, glabrous, angled, with decurrent lines from the nodes, often ending in a sharp point. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, sharp-pointed, 6-12 mm (0.25-0.5 in) long and 2-4 mm (0.08-0.16 in) wide; petiole usually with a swollen reddish base; stipules persistent, sharp-pointed, reddish-black. Flowers in clusters of usually 3 in leaf axils, sepals 5, petals 5, stamens usually 8, white, about 1 cm (0.4 in) across, blooming in Spring. Fruits reddish-yellow striated follicle about 5 mm (0.2 in) long.

    Distribution: Southeastern Colorado, northeastern New Mexico, western Cimarron County Oklahoma, southward to near Lubbock, Texas.
    Habitat: Rocky slopes, canyons, cliffs.
    NWI status: none
    Comment: Glossopetalon is from a Greek phrase meaning "tongue-petal", referring to the shape of the petals; planitierum refers to its habitat on the plains.

    Distribution in Oklahoma:

    Last update: 9/10/99
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