Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.

  • Family: Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot, etc.)
  • Common name: fourwing saltbush

    Small shrub to 1 m (3 ft) tall, often densely branched. Twigs gray-scurfy, occasionally spinose. Leaves alternate, sessile, entire, narrow-oblong to linear-spatulate, gray-scurfy. Staminate flowers in dense glomerules made up of spikes of terminal panicles, each flower with five perianth parts united at the base and five stamens. Pistillate flowers in short axillary spikes, subtended by two bracteoles united nearly to the summit, conspicuously four-winged.

    Distribution: Native to the western Great Plains from southern Canada to northern Mexico.
    Habitat: Usually found on dry, alkaline soils.
    NWI status: UPL
    Comment: Atriplex is the ancient classical name for the genus; canescens refers to the silvery hairs on the leaves.

    Distribution in Oklahoma:

    Last update: 9/8/99
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