Bird Literature of Oklahoma
The Bird Literature of Oklahoma is an annotated bibliography of works pertaining to Oklahoma birds.
The purpose is to provide easy reference for persons interested in
conducting research and surveys on Oklahoma birds,
and for others needing access to information on the state's avifauna. Most of the works prior to 1984
were compiled by Joseph A. Grzybowski and Gary D. Schnell and published as
Oklahoma Ornithology: An Annotated Bibliography by the University of Oklahoma Press in 1984.
Major North American ornithology journals as well as regional journals, and
periodicals that publish works having to do with wildlife management
examined to discover articles pertaining to Oklahoma that should be included.
Theses and dissertations reporting on research conducted in
Oklahoma, Pittman-Robertson Reports of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (with original data), environmental assessment reports that contain origial data, and reports of the International Biological Program were thouroughly searched.
Numerous other sources were also searched.
References to the popular literature when an artilce is of such scope as to be
of potential scientific or historical interest are included.
Please read the metadata file for more information on the Bird Literature of Oklahoma.
Limit of use: The material previously published in Oklahoma Ornithology: An Annotated Biobliography may be used for research and citation purposes only.
Disclaimer: The Oklahoma Biological
Survey cannot warranty
the accuracy or utility of the data. OBS data may
require a certain level of biological expertise
for proper analysis, interpretation and
application. Our staff is available to advise you
on the technical aspects of these data.
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