Sampling Methods
Mussel habitat can often be identified by the presence of dead shell material on the banks and in the water. We sample mussels by snorkeling over their habitat and looking for their siphons sticking up out of the sediment. In most cases mussels are carefully picked up, identified and measured, and returned alive to the stream bottom. We take only limited voucher specimens. Tissue for genetic studies is sampled by taking a small clipping of mantle from the mussel and returning the live mussel to its habitat.

Benthic invertebrates are quantitatively sampled using an apparatus that vacuums the substrate within a predefined area. This apparatus was designed by Dr. Art Brown from the University of Arkansas. We also qualitatively sample benthic invertebrates with nets at stream margins and in other unique habitats. The adult forms for benthic insects are collected by UV light traps. Meiofauna are sampled by taking sediment core samples. Fishes are sampled by seining.